Be Heard

Be Valued

Be Discovered

Meet the Industry


Oticons Faculty

"You are the Music while the Movie lasts"

paraphrased T. S. Eliot

The most innovative film music competition in the world that focuses on Quality in Film Music and calls for all the undiscovered talented artists to finally get heard and discovered!

Get Discovered

the Finalists Music

Have a listen at the selected, extended, re-worked and re-recorded brilliant compositions
of the TOP·10 WINNERS of the past editions of our contest, on the Oticons Faculty soundtrack albums.
These albums are the evidence that there is outstanding talent in the world that deserves to be discovered.

Listen to the Oticons Faculty Soundtrack Albums

on all major streaming platforms. Click on the covers below.

Album Covers Designs & Photography courtesy of the artists Gyulai Csaba (2018 release), Nydia Lilian (2017 release) & Sirius-Sascha Duensing (2015 & 2016 release).

Register & Submit ONLINE

Registration & Submission DEADLINES

Early-bird Registrations 1.9.2024 - 1.1.2025 @ 12 p.m. (noon) UTC
Registrations & Submissions
Regular Registrations & Submissions 1.1. - 28.2.2025 @ 12 p.m. (noon) UTC
Announcement of Finalists & Winners
Announcement of the Winners by April 1st